TTD/TDD Callers
The Ottawa County 9-1-1 Communications Center is able to communicate to the hearing/speech impaired by using a TTY/TDD interface.
If a caller uses a TTY/TDD, the caller should:
Stay calm, place the phone receiver in the TTY, dial 911.
After the call is answered, press the TTY keys several times. This may help shorten the time necessary to respond to the call.
Give the dispatcher a moment to respond. If necessary, press the TTY keys again. The dispatcher should answer and type “GA” for Go Ahead.
Tell what is needed; police, fire department, or ambulance. Give your name, address and phone number where help is needed.
Stay on the telephone if it is safe to do so. Answer the dispatcher’s questions.
If a deaf or hearing/speech impaired caller doesn’t have a TTY/TDD, the caller should call 911 and don’t hang up. Not hanging up leaves the line open. The caller’s address is displayed on the dispatcher’s screen and help will be sent.